Hypolycemia — blurred vision and tiredness while juicing.
Six weeks ago I began very strenuously weight training with a trainer 5 days a week and am way more active in my cardio. I also am eating healthy proportions and meals about every 2 hours. A couple weeks ago I started to religiously juice and have developed extreme fatigue shortly after juicing. Now, I remembered on my first pregnancy (14 years ago) I got gestational diabetes. I went from eating next to no fruit to binging on 4 to 6 pieces of fruit a day to keep me from eating the Oreos. My doctor yelled at me and told me never to eat that much fruit. So, here we are now. I even switched my juice time and the same exhaustion happens complete with a little blurred vision and feeling like I could just nod off any moment. Besides the juicing and workouts I’m eating fruit at least 3 to 4 times a day PLUS taking the supplement Juice Plus. Heres an example of what I've been juicing everyday recently apples, carrots, lime, ginger and beets. Also drinking more than 2 cups a day... yikes! I am going to implement some things from your site by cutting out more of the fruits but do you think I'm eating too many fruits a day also?
Jesse's Answer:
Hypoglycemia and diabetes should be a major concern to those who juice fruits and vegetables high in sugar.
For those that don't know, in a nut shell, hypoglycemia is essentially low blood sugar while diabetes is high blood sugar.
Too much sugar in the juice is creates a sugar high in the body. When the body has high sugar, the body creates insulin. While the body needs some sugar to be healthy and to work properly, too much sugar can kill. So the body creates insulin to take the excess sugar out of the bloodstream and stores the sugar as fat (stored energy).
The problem is, once the insulin removes the excess blood sugar, you now experience a sugar low (hypoglycemia). Symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can include shakiness, anxiety, nervousness, palpitations, tachycardia, sweating, feeling of warmth, pallor, coldness, clamminess, dilated pupils, feeling of numbness (pins and needles), hunger, growling stomach, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, headache, impaired judgment, moodiness, crying, irritability, rage, fatigue, weakness, lethargy, dizziness, slurred speech, drunk like lack of co–ordination, seizures and more.
Once the body is hypoglycemic, the body then craves sugar to raise the blood sugar higher because just as high blood sugar is dangerous, so is low blood sugar. So once the blood sugar is too low, the body craves sugar and the result is now high blood sugar again. This then creates a vicious cycle whereby after the insulin is created low blood sugar results. So sugar is eaten to combat the low blood sugar and so on on.
The juice you have been drinking, while tasting great, is high in sugar.
Apples, carrots and beets are all exceptionally high in sugar.
When you juice, you need to become consciously aware of the sugar you are taking into your body.
Juice is a processed food that is derived from whole foods. Don't be fooled, juice is a processed food... not a whole food. As with any processed foods, the sugar in the food is released exceptionally quick into the blood stream. While the benefit of juice allows us to get more nutrition more easily, the negatives can be too much sugar or even too much nutrition.
One must juice responsibly.
Unfortunately, all of the people who promote juice machines or have a financial reason for promoting juicing, tell you how exciting juicing is and how amazing it is. This helps create sales but it doesn't help promote the truth about juicing.
Juicing must be done responsibly and with the awareness that too much is not good. Not only was the juice you were drinking high in sugar, but you were also drinking too much.
One of the biggest mistakes people who juice make is they juice what tastes good, not what is actually beneficial.
One must be willing to juice the vegetables they cannot stand to drink. These vegetables tend to be lower in sugar and provide the nutrition the body needs.
Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi... now those vegetables won't taste good but they also won't spike your blood sugar level.
What you want to consider doing is juicing only vegetables, no fruits. Stick to vegetables that grow above ground more than those that grow below ground (vegetables that grow below ground tend to be higher in sugar than those that grow above ground). Reduce the amount of juice you drink and you may want to work to implement some juicing tips so you can slow the release of the nutrition when drinking your juice such as adding some of the pulp to your juice (I know it doesn't taste good, but it's something that should definitely be considered).
Also, you may want to consider getting a book to help you stabilize your blood sugar such as The GI Diet.
It's important to take action now otherwise you could end up potentially diabetic down the road.
When it comes to eating fruit, it depends on the fruit you eat and when you eat it. If for example, you eat a banana and then exercise, well the sugars in the bananas are going to be used while exercising. If eat all of your fruit at once and don't have them at separate times, then yes, you are probably over doing it.
Of course, if you make changes to your juicing and the problems still continue, then there is something else that is happening and you would need to consult a health care professional such as a Chinese herbalist, naturopath, homeopath or even a medical doctor.
Have you been wanting to do hatha yoga (stretching) but have found it either too difficult or you are not that flexible? If yes, and even if no, watch Jesse do some pure hatha yoga routines.
Unlike flow yoga
, each pose in pure or traditional hatha yoga is held for a few minutes. While holding the pose, you focus the mind on the stretch. When you focus the mind, that's when you find silence.
Jesse is not flexible — never has been and probably never will be flexible like others. But it doesn't matter. In pure hatha yoga, how flexible you are makes no difference. It's all about loving the pose and focussing the mind on the stretch.
If you want to learn pure hatha yoga, now you can by following Jesse on a series of hatha yoga routines.
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